MSA Demands

Immediate support for people experiencing houselessness!

Free public transit!

De-fund, disarm, and disband the police! End racial profiling!

For free, quality, 24-hour child care!

Improve traffic and road safety issues!

Repair our overcrowded schools and reduce class sizes!

Action on climate change!

Covid-19 is a capitalist disease!

Establish regulations for veterinary services!

Increase accessibility in the city!

Food for all!

Participatory budget process!

AC is a human right!

Hands off cyclists!

Municipal Socialist Alliance (MSA) denounces anti-Palestinian racism!

Elect Socialists to City Council

Note: This is a draft program. All members of the Municipal Socialist Alliance democratically debate and decide on what will be included in the final version.

Join our Campaign for a Labour City Hall, for a Workers’ Government at the municipal level. Let’s form a Coalition of socialists, labour unionists, community organizations and social justice activists to present a team of candidates to fight for the interests of workers, tenants, women, LGBTQIA2S+ folks, racialized people, seniors and all who seek a city and world without exploitation and oppression. Join us!